I was awake for the east coast celebration of 2010, and so were mommy and daddy. They're hoping for more sleep in 2010. Then I started off the day with solids (I ate a little of daddy's blueberry muffin, sucked the juice out of a mandarin orange, had some of mommy's peach, a few bites of a hard boiled egg, then washed it all down with some yogurt). Mommy and daddy are also hoping for me to kick the bottle and have only solids soon. Then, after all that food, I had two massive adult poops sooooo smelly that made mommy ask daddy if he farted! She couldn't believe that stinky came from me! Pheeeeee-yoooo! Needless to say, mommy and daddy are also hoping that I will be ready to potty train really soon!
Happy New Year to you all, and best wishes for 2010. I hope all of your resolutions become reality.