Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mommy thinks babies in blue jeans are funny

Jeans feel different... I reserve judgment.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Mondays are lame

But I try to dress them up with a day-appropriate bib and a Monday morning friend. Happy Monday!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the cutest little bunny of all?

The mirror said I am! What a smart mirror.

Homeward bound!

My time in Napa has come to an end. It's time for us to board the plane for our return home. Mommy said she's sure I'm going to be a perfect little angel on the plane ride home, just like I was on the way here. I think she's right. I'll just snuggle up to her again and take a little nap. That was enjoyable. That way, I'll be ready to play when we land in LA!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009

Mommy's funny

She thinks the solution to me being a messy eater is to put me in my bathing suit to eat solids instead of having me eat while wearing a footed sleeper. My solution is to not eat solids. Guess who's going to win! Me! I always win!

Sorry! Sheesh! Have a little patience with a sleepy little baby!

Okay okay, so I napped a little today and didn't get to the blog in the morning. Sorry! But hey, now today's post is up. Happy? :D

The activity table amuses me!

Not enough to coax me to eat solids, but definitely enough to entertain me for a little while.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Nummies? Did somebody say nummies?

Where? Where are they? I want some! Rather, my bib wants some.

I'm not altogether that interested in food, so when we got to Napa, mommy and daddy bought me a new seat that has toys to distract me. They were hoping that playing with the rainforest toys would take my mind off the fact that they're feeding me solids. Well, they were wrong! I was actually more pissed off that they were interrupting my play time with pesky solids.

Back to the drawing board...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

More poolside pictues from mommy's cell phone

Mommy and I enjoyed some fun in the sun!

I ate in my sleep this morning, which freed up some time for us to go sit by the poolafter I woke up. Mommy put me in my SPF 50 hat, my "block all the UV rays in the world" sunglasses and brought a blanket to cover me to shield me from overexposure to the sun... but I still got some quality tanning time. I AM a Southern California girl, after all.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The hotel has a pool! And I have a bathing suit!

This means I can practice my diving poses. Oh, so exciting!! Perfect tens, here I come!

Monday, March 23, 2009

...but I am a little dehydrated.

Thankfully, I had refreshments readily available to me.

After a nap on the plane, I feel rested and refreshed!

I even blew raspberries at mommy!

Appropriately, I brought Traveler (Tommy Trojan's horse) with me on the trip

Here we go!

Napa, here I come!

I'm taking my first airplane ride today! I'm so excited!

This week's blogs will be dedicated to my trip to Napa. We are here for daddy's work, but my days involve mommy, sun and fun! Woohoo!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Okay, now how do I get OUT of this?

Trying... trying...

Oh mommy!

I can wiggle into some funny positions

Like this one. I was sitting on daddy's lap and decided I wanted to try to get each leg over daddy's arm. It made for an interesting - but very comfortable - position! Mommy (AKA the snaparazzi) just had to take a picture.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I'm a multi-tasker

I can play with TWO sets of toys at once! That's why we have hands AND feet, right?

Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Persian New Year!

My favorite thing about all of the holidays mommy and daddy like to celebrate is the attention I get and oh, the gifts! I have more clothes, toys and other fun stuff than I know what to do with.

Good luck to the USC Men's Basketball Team!

Beat BC! My socks and I will be tuning in at 4:20pm PST...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

My diapers are so impressive that sometimes they wake me up!

I normally sleep through the night fairly well. MY definition of night, at least. I sleep from 1am until about 7am, have a snack, then sleep again until 11am, have another snack, then catch some more zzzzzzs until a little after noon. But there are those times that a big ol' diaper wakes me from my slumber and I need to wake mommy up in the middle of the night for a change. She doesn't mind much -- and she always congratulates me on a job well done.

Then there are other times, when I wake up in the middle of the night for a cuddle. Mommy enjoys those, too.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I'm seven months old riiiiiiight...


Mommy and daddy think it's hilarious when I slither around on them

I started off sitting on daddy's lap. Then I leaned forward to lay on his leg. Here I am trying to roll over his leg. I am one determined little pumpkin!

Is it safe to go out again?

All that St. Patty's day revelry was a bit much for me! I was wearing green, but people wanted to pinch me anyway!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Hey basketball fans, just in time for March Madness...

Here's my impression of Michael Jordan.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Excuse me?

What do you MEAN I'm too young for a BlackBerry?! You both have them... why can't I?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The next big diet craze is here

Work out while you eat! It's a huge time saver.
Personally, I like to do leg lifts while I eat.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Maybe I'll be a fashion designer

I love fabrics. Every time I see a burp cloth or bib, I can't resist but to shove it in my mouth. When mommy puts me in pretty dresses, I can hardly wait to taste it. When I'm getting a diaper change, I don't reach for my toys; I reach for my clothes and shove them straight into my mouth. I enjoy cottons, silks and chiffon and an occasional fur trim, of course (like on the dress I wore at the reception following my baptism).

Mommy and daddy are really amused by my love of fabrics. They think I might become the next Coco Chanel, Tom Ford or Ralph Lauren! Of course, this doesn't mean they've given up on me becoming a doctor. They're still socking away money for medical school at Johns Hopkins.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I'm a little wobbly on daddy's chest

He's fun, but he makes for an uneven chair!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cookie Monster had better give up some of those cookies!

I'll rip them out of his mouth if I have to!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Chuck Norris has nothing on me!

Take THIS roundhouse kick! Hay-yah!
I'm so fast the photo is blurry!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Naps are so wonderful... I can't help but to be happy when I wake up from one!

I feel so refreshed!

When I'm out, I'm OUT

Anytime, anywhere, any position. But this is my favorite.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Woohoo! We're going for a walk!

I'm ready and excited -- I even put my special walking shoes on!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I smell something...

It's either my feet or my diaper.

Aaaaaand it's not my feet. Oh, mommy... I have another present for you!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Who are you calling a messy eater?!

The food running down my chin isn't because I'm messy -- it's because mommy has bad aim! That's right lady, I'm selling you down the river.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Happy Cinco de Marcho!

My parents are celebrating by having Chipotle. I can hardly wait until I get to go. I already have the gear! Look:

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Aaaaah, kissies

They're so nice.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Mommy commented that I look mischievous...

Then noticed that I was pinching Elmo's bottom. Oops! Caught in the act!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

This is how Daddy checks for dirty diapers

That's right, take a whiff of what the baby's cooking!