Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I asked mommy for water. Mommy asked for clarification because she wasn't sure if I wanted a drink, whether I wanted to put my hands in water and spash around, whether I wanted a foot bath or if I wanted to take a bath. So I pointed to my mouth and said "dink." So she handed me my sippy cup. I finished the water in my sippy, then walked over to the refrigerator to get more. I can almost reach!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

You know who else pooped?

The cow. Peeeee-yoo!

Monday, June 28, 2010

You know what story I still tell?

Goat! Poop! Peee-yoo (while waving my hand in front of my face to indicate how bad it smells)! Shoe (because I stepped in it -- oops!). Gih (that means dirty). Home. Keen (because, when we got home, mommy cleaned my goat-poopy shoes). It happened three weeks ago, but the story is still fresh in my mind!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Heeeere, leezard-leezard!

Some of the kids were scared, but petting this guy didn't faze me at all. Not even after he gave me the stink-eye!

Big day today!

I'm going to the LA Zoo for daddy's company's annual summer picnic! What a great venue to choose for your summer bash. And what a great time for them to pick it -- it coincides with my interest in seeing and petting animals! Perfect. Stay tuned for pictures!

Friday, June 25, 2010

I may be moving soon!

Mommy and daddy saw a house earlier this month that they really liked. It's in a great neighborhood with a great elementary school. After getting my stamp of approval (I made sure to run around every corner of the house first), they made an offer and, after some counter-offers, they arrived at an agreement with the sellers. It's a short sale (which means the sellers owe more than the house is currently worth -- a result of unfortunate timing on the sellers' part, since they bought at the height of the market), so the bank needs to approve the sale. It will take some time for the approval to come through, but it looks like I am going to be moving soon! And we're going to be neck-deep in home improvements soon! Which means we're going to be really poor soon. Oops. But the most important thing to me: big back yard, here I come! I'm pretty sure I saw some squirrels there!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mommy's really into this birthday ice cream theme!

In January, mommy booked an ice cream truck to cater my birthday party (on August 21). She likes to do things 7 months in advance. Next, she found really awesome invitations befitting the ice cream theme. And decorations. And personalized stationery. And personalized labels for use at my party. And the list goes on. Amy Atlas, eat your heart out! When she found these shoes and some matching clothes at Gymboree, she darn near squee'd! They were just too perfect to pass up. She bought the clothes and the sandals and set them aside in her closet. I found them last week, though, and insisted on putting them on! I refused to take them off all night. Daddy was surprised I didn't insist on sleeping in them! But as soon as I woke up, I asked for my sandals again. And I wore them all day. Mommy thinks this ice cream theme was a great idea. I agree.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I continued the fun with daddy!

Hey roses... BOOM!

Then I did it again!

When I'd ripped off almost all of grandma's roses, mommy gathered all of the petals and put them in a bowl for me to dig in and throw all around again! Oh the joy!

You know what's really fun?

Ripping grandma's roses apart and throwing the petals on the ground! Woohoo!! Again!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Foot bath!

Mommy and daddy have a booster seat for me, but we don't use it at the table -- we use it on the ground. This isn't because they're lazy; we actually have a good reason for doing this! When I sit in the booster seat for my snack, mommy brings a little foot bath for me to kick around in! She fills it with warm water and gentle soap, and she rubs my feet as I eat brie and crackers with fruit and sip my orange juice (which I pretend is "spa" orange juice"). I think it's fun to splash her. Hee hee!

Monday, June 21, 2010

I want to see! I want to see!

I love viewing pictures on the LCD screen.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy father's day!

We've invited the whole family over for brunch today to celebrate father's day. I'm very excited to see everyone! Mommy has been baking up a storm. Pictures soon!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Air kisses!

I spent a few hours in Beverly Hills last night at dinner, so I was in the air-kissing mood.

Friday, June 18, 2010

I'm very conscientious -- I feed my animals

I have a book about animals. It's the one in the picture above. There are a lot of pictures of different animals in the book. I'm not even sure how many! As I eat, I like to grab a second spoon and share with the goat, the turkey, the cow, the goose, the bunny, the pony and (of course) the pig. I need to make sure they each get balanced nutrition and plenty to eat every day!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A scarf makes a great toddler toga!

I put it on, then ran around! Weeeeeeeeee!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

Post-bath ducky robe!

I think my rubber duckies are jealous. They want pretty ducky robes of their own.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Bathtime is funtime!

Mommy arranges all of my bath toys on the ledge of the bathtub, then fills the tub with water so I can knock each one of the rubber animals over into the water, one by one, and say "OOPS!" I can hardly wait to get in!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I'll help myself, thank you

I like purses. I love taking things out of mommy's purse and hiding them. Besides, since her purse is so big, she always keeps some toys in there to distract me when we're out. When grandma comes over, I love to dig in her purse for goodies, too. But you can't blame me -- she's always bringing me fun things in her purse, too. I'm just looking for the next toy!
This time, I found grandma's change purse and started emptying the contents into my piggy bank. I also helped myself to the bills in mommy's wallet before I ran around with her credit cards as mommy chased me around. Hee hee!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

I'm going to get my mini mint mouthful!

Mommy and daddy were having a little snack of ice cream sandwiches from Trader Joe's when I decided to get in on the action. I nabbed mommy's ice cream sandwich and took off running! I ran straight to the kitchen, where I licked the ice cream and the cookie all over before giving it back to mommy (all the while holding it with my proper little pinky finger raised -- I'm not a heathen). Mommy managed to snap this picture before I handed a soggy sandwich to her.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I can be just like you

A few days ago, I grabbed the bucket for my shape sorter, took off the top, tossed out the shapes, put the strap of the bucket over my arm and proclaimed it a purse. Then I told mommy and daddy that I was going to work and said "I love you -- bye!" as I walked toward the front door. They laughed really hard. I'd imitated other things they'd done before, but they seemed to find this exceptionally entertaining.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

You know how I get mommy to squee?

I scrunch my little nose!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Sunday, June 6, 2010

To the PONY, daddy!


Getting buckled in. Safety first!

After the ride. I'm just wondering when I can go again!

Petting zoo!

A few weeks ago, mommy learned that there was a petting zoo at the Brentwood Country Mart every Sunday. We went three weeks ago for the first time. There were llamas, goats, sheep, hens, roosters, bunnies, guinea pigs, piglets, ducks, turkeys, doggies and ponies, too. Daddy held bunnies, a piglet and ducks while I petted them. I petted the doggies on my own, though. That didn't take any coaxing. But when it came to the baby llama, the goats and the sheep, I didn't want to go near them -- and I certainly didn't want them coming near me. They were very friendly -- they kept coming up to me to say hi. I didn't recall consenting to this. I told them "BYE!" but they wouldn't go away. So I assumed there was a language barrier to their understanding. Instead of "bye," I said "OFF!" They still didn't go away. So I had daddy pick me up.

Apparently, daddy didn't pick me up soon enough. One little girl confused me with one of the animals in the petting zoo because she came up to me and started petting me. I looked at her like she was crazy. Mommy thinks my soft pink coat drew her attention. It's soft, pink, furry and has bunny ears on the hat. It also has a little cottontail (just like Peter's!). I think that little girl is just a wierdo. I looked at her like she was a wierdo and furrowed my brow at her.

All in all, I loved the petting zoo. And despite my reluctance to get near the goats, for the next week, all I would talk about were the goats. I told stories galore about what the goats did, how many there were, how they pooped on the ground, how mommy, daddy and I stepped in goat poop and got our shoes dirty and how we had to take our shoes off so we could wash them. I told grandma my stories at least 400 times. And she still wanted to hear more! I had mommy show me pictures of the goat on her camera. I petted the goat on the camera and insisted I would pet the goat in person, too. I had mommy draw me pictures of goats and I petted those goats, too. You'll find some pictures (with my commentary) below.

The next weekend was Memorial Day weekend. After one week of anticipation (to see the "goooooooat, llaaaaamaaaaa, tuuuuurkeeeeey") and one week of insisting that I would pet the goats, we headed back to the petting zoo! I didn't want anything to do with the goat. Or the llama. Or the turkey. The bunnies and ducks were okay, but the rest of those stinky animals needed to go BYE. One thing I did do the second time, though, was ride a pony! I loved my pony ride. It was so much fun.

I can't wait to go again! In fact, we're going back to the petting zoo today! I haven't decided what kind of reception the goat and the llama will get, but I know I'll be excited to see my pony again.

BYE! And if you don't understand that, OFF!

I watched the duck walk, and then I walked like the duck by shaking my butt.

I was petting the bunny and minding my own business when this nosy llama started invading my personal space! I told him "NO!" but he still didn't back off. He must be hard of hearing.

Quack. Don't think I don't see the goats and sheep heading this way. OFF!

At first, I was confused that this was allegedly a piglet. He didn't look anything like Miss Piggy. But once mommy and daddy started calling him piglet instead of piggy, it made sense -- he's not the same breed as Miss Piggy. Clearly. For starters, Miss Piggy is pink, wears pretty dresses and says "HIYA!" The piglet is black, lightly furry and he says "snort oink snort." They're different indeed.
The piglet was so noisy! When daddy picked him up, he started snorting up a storm. It was so funny! Mommy had him pick up the piglet three more times, just to hear the noises! She also got it on video so we could hear his funny noises anytime we want. I make her play the video for me often. It's great fun!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Doesn't this just look natural?

We went to breakfast at Jack n Jill in Santa Monica this morning. On our way out, I saw a little woo woo (doggie). The owners were really nice and let me pet him. A lot. Then we followed them all the way to Michael's (mommy's playground). They even let me walk the woo woo!

I'm always up on the latest fashions

...including oversized glasses. Gotta protect the eyes!
(As a side note, even though I have my own pretty pink glasses from Janie & Jack, I have claimed these glasses as my own. They used to be mommy's, but I liked them so much that, every time she pulled them out to put them on, I yelled "MINE!" and made her put them on my face instead. You have to train them early to give you everything you want, you know.)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Someone seems to have spilled something....

It's a good thing I have a sixth sense for finding the tiniest specs of dirt and the faintest little stains!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

You know what I do when I don't want to go to sleep?

I demand that you get me out of bed and chase you with my blankie trailing behind me! Nobody can resist my games.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I can sit at the big people's table!

I'm not limited to sitting in my high chair. At grandma and grandpa's, I sat at the big people's table, courtesy of my booster seat and attached table. Mommy put some of her turnips on my table and let me salt them a little. It was so fun to salt things that I started salting everything in sight! I even salted mommy!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Not only do I like being green by riding in a Prius and recycling, but I also just love the color green! I point to green grass, green leaves, green turtles, green toys... and I even point to some things that aren't green and say they are green -- just because I like the way it sounds!

Do you want to know what my favorite color is? It's GREEN!