Thursday, April 14, 2011


Daddy's company sent him away AGAIN. Blekht. This is garbage! But mommy was here with me, and we had lots of fun. Mommy bought me a bounce house and had it shipped directly to Amma and Baba's house! Bribery works. We went to Amma and Baba's for the weekend last weekend and had a fantastic time in their back yard! I bounced for hours - and even then I didn't want to get out! There is no such thing as too much bouncing. I even wanted to eat meals in my bounce house. Hey mommy, instead of looking for some piece of junk house in La Canada or on the Westside so we have enough of a back yard to justify buying a bounce house, how about we just move into a bounce house and cut out the middle man? Yeah, I'm destined for greatness. Just look at all of the fantastic ideas I have!