Thursday, January 15, 2009


For the past few weeks, I have been gnawing on everything I can get my hands on (including my hands!) because my gums have been itchy. Last night when mommy came home, she saw that two tiny bits of white were getting ready to pop through my lower gums! My first teeth! She mentioned that the whites weren't showing in the morning -- that sure was fast!
Mommy got a picture with her phone - not the best quality, but you can see a little white coming through on my bottom gums.

Mommy was very impressed that I haven't been fussy or unhappy at all. She'd read that sometimes babies become very irritable when they start teething, and was prepared for several difficult late nights with me and was trying to think of ways to soothe me during that time. But, as always, I'm just mommy's precious, happy little angel. Boy, is mommy lucky!

A few more teeth and daddy can take me to Morton's in Beverly Hills for my first steak! Woohoo!!