Friday, February 27, 2009

I'll try solids... but only mommy's Golden Spoon

I'm not that fond of solids yet. I'll eat about half of a teaspoon, but then I'm done. I do, however, watch very intently as mommy and daddy eat Golden Spoon (which they refer to as magical frozen yogurt goodness). And I open my mouth hoping that they'll give me some. But they never do - something about the doctor telling them no milk products until I'm a year old. That's an eternity away - it's TWICE as old as I am now! Sometimes, I'll even swoop in while mommy and daddy are eating Golden Spoon and grab the spoon. But they always overpower me and eat the yogurt before I can get my hands (or my mouth!) on it.

Well, this time I outsmarted mommy. I stuck my hand straight into her mouth to fish some Golden Spoon out for myself. Take THAT, mommy. Maybe next time you'll share.