Monday, November 22, 2010

I'm an ice skater!

Mommy found out there was an outdoor skating rink in Santa Monica! As a special treat today, we decided to go try it out. Here are some pictures:

At first, she held my hands and we skated around. We skated in circles, twirled and even skated backwards!

I got some good practice on proper footing.

Soon enough, I was leading us around!

Then I let go of mommy's hands and skated off on my own! I did really well, too! The skating instructor on duty (they skate around to make sure anyone who falls down has help getting up and they offered help to beginners) was so impressed. She said that even though I was the smallest one there, I was also the most fearless one - and the best first-time skater, too. Hooray for me! I had so much fun that mommy had to promise that we'd return later. Of course, she didn't mention that "later" wasn't the same day. Humpht... lawyers. You always have to be so specific with them! But I did find out that "later" means next weekend. I can't wait to go ice skating again!