Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thank goodness for long weekends!

There are many nice things about long weekends. One of them is that Amma comes over more often to play with me. But that doesn't mean she gets to talk to Mommy. The way I see it, this means I should be the center of MORE people's undivided attention. Just yesterday, Amma was talking to Mommy about something in front of me when I had to chime in to clarify the rules:

"Amma, no talk with Mommy! Only talk Caroline. Mommy, only talk Caroline too."

Then, as if none of this had happened, they spoke to each other (about what I had said, but still - they spoke to each other and not to ME). Naturally, I had to drive home my point by instructing them: "LISTEN TO ME!" Of course, that made them laugh harder.

I really have my hands full with these people.