Friday, May 6, 2011

And we went on the teacups -- 3 times in a row, then later 4 times in a row!

Mommy said to hold on tight, so I did. Then we started going fast. Really fast!

I wanted to spin even faster, so I helped her turn the wheel!

And then I just gave in, held on and squealed with delight! This is so much fun!! In fact, it was so much fun that -- much like with the Carousel -- I didn't want to leave. Thankfully, the Disneyland employees were very understanding of my insistence that I not stand in line again. The nice boy let me ride three times in a row without standing in line a second time. While this didn't do much for mommy in terms of teaching me patience, it certainly helped keep me happy and prevent a meltdown. I was very seriously threatening one when mommy initially told me we'd have to exit the ride. Think again, lady. I always get my way! Anyway, mommy finally tore me away from the teacups with the promise of flying elephants. Then we returned to the teacups for another four rides in a row. Without the necessity of standing in that pesky line again. It's good to be 2.5 with a BIG personality. We were very happy (and very dizzy) at the end.