Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Horsie o'clock!

I like ponies. I especially like these, because they don't smell.

We had a little problem with lines, though. Specifically, with me not wanting to stand in lines to wait my turn. We went on the carousel once, and I pitched a big fit when the ride was over and it was other kids' turn. I'd waited in line to begin with, so I didn't see why I was being forced out and other kids got to ride MY ponies. Mommy explained that we could go stand in line and wait our turn again, but this was not a very satisfactory answer to me. The line is not fun. The ride, on the other hand, is. Why would I leave my pony to go stand in some stinking line?!

Mommy said that clearly we were going to have to work on our patience skills. I wonder who in my family is going to try to teach me that! Ha!